23 September 2010

Rock Hand Specimens

Here are the photos for the rocks from geology lab. Click on the photo and you will go to the photo album. You can download the photos from there.

Rock Hand Specimens

22 September 2010

Geology: Rock Lab

Rocks for Geology Lab. I've looked on the internet and the best and easiest way to find the properties of rocks is on www.wikipedia.org. Just type in the name of the rock in the search box of Wikipedia. You will not find a couple of the specific rocks, like different types of sandstone and limestone, but if you read the main article you will get some idea.

Can anyone guess what rock is this one on the left side?

11 September 2010

Freshers Party 2010 Photos

If you want photos from the Freshers Party, then send me an email with your name. Then I will send you the website ID to find the photo album of our Freshers Party. (Note: Do not click on the photos above, you will not be able to see all the photos if you do. You need the special website ID from me.)

Table 10-1 Primary Production for the World

Here is the table the Ghoshal Madam wanted us to see. Click on the photo to make it bigger.

Fellows Friday with Mohan Kandaswamy

I just read this nice blog about how one Indian company removes ammonia from waste water without using chemicals. Read more below...

Fellows Friday with Mohan Kandaswamy

Mohan Kandaswamy commercializes a first-of-its-kind device that cleans aquaculture systems without the use of chemicals. Based in India, Mohan is expanding this technology beyond shrimp and prawn production to conserve endangered species and cleanup wastewater from mining and other industries worldwide.

06 September 2010

चींटियों से डरते हैं हाथी

चींटियों से हाथी को ख़तरा महसूस होता है
I found this news on the BBC website.

विशालकाय हाथी चींटियों से डरते हैं, ये बात हम बचपन से सुनते आए हैं लेकिन शोध ने भी इस बात की पुष्टि की है. पूर्वी अफ़्रीका में जहाँ पेड़ों की संख्या घट रही है वहीं हाथियों की संख्या बढ़ रही है. वहाँ हाथी अपने भोजन के लिए पेड़ों को नुकसान पहुँचाते हैं.

02 September 2010

Economic Minerals

Here are the photos of the Economic Minerals. Click on the picture for more photos.

Economic Minerals

Man with Gun at Discovery Channel Station

This news is still going on right now. There is a man who has a gun and has captured at least one person at the "Discovery Channel" station in USA. He believes that humans are destroying the world. He wants Discovery Channel to do a better job at saving the environment.

See more news updates at the CNN website: http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2010/09/01/police-reports-of-armed-man-at-discovery-channel-headquarters/?hpt=T1